National Trust Database - Search Results

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Anderson Organ - St.John's Anglican Church

23 King Street,, FLINDERS VIC 3929 - Property No B6112

A single-manual organ of eigth stops, believed to be an early work of the Melbourne organbuilder William Anderson, which has been subject to many moves. Its earliest known location was the Presbyterian Church, Williamstown from where it was removed about 1882 to "Dhurringile", Murchison, the property of James Winter. The organ was moved to its present location in 1939 from the Baptist Church, Kew. It is a substantial example of a single manual organ, with an eight-foot facade. ... more



Anderson Organ - St Joseph's Catholic Church

30 Fitzgerald Street,, SOUTH YARRA VIC 3141 - Property No B6281

A two-manual organ of 12 stops built by William Anderson and installed in 1894. The instrument, which remains unaltered from the original, retaining its original action, pipework, and case, which contains attractively diapered pipes. It is the only surviving unaltered 19th century organ in the suburb. Classified: 20/11/1991

